Monday, February 6, 2012

Time for a change

More change isn't something I was really looking for right now. Seriously, we have had enough this past 10 months.  But Lovebug has (in her own special way) convinced me that change is what she wants and so change is what she is going to get. 

It all started back in October.  We had been toying around with the idea and when Lovebug's Celiac panel came back positive we decided to put it on hold until we knew rather or not we were looking at a diagnosis.
At Christmas, things changed.  

Her pump broke Christmas night.  So, because of the Holiday we had to wait 3 days for a new pump.  It was back to MDI it for a few days.  I was a little terrified because I wasn't sure how she would react to having to have shots again, but like usual, she was a trooper about it.  My biggest surprise was that night when she realized that she didn't have to wear a pump shirt or a pump pouch to bed.  She was ECSTATIC that she didn't have to wear either to bed.  I just can not explain in words how happy she was.  I could see it in her eyes.  So much so that it made me tear up.  I never knew that she was concerned about her pump pouches. I asked her why she didn't like them and she said, " I like them Mom, I just don't like having to wear them all the time."  Wow, what a way to break a mothers heart.  She has always been such a trooper about everything when it came to her diabetes.  I never knew she felt that way.  Powerful words coming from a (almost) 6 year old.  

All three days she was without her pump, she woke up to realize that she didn't have to put a pump pouch on that morning.  She was so happy that I thought about keeping her on shots and not going back to the pump for a while.  She was THAT happy.  Realistically, I knew that wouldn't really be the best move, especially considering school!.  

When her new pump came a few days later, she wasn't even excited about it.  It made me very sad.  I want her to be happy on the pump, not sad and wishing that she didn't have to have something attached to her waist 24/7.  

It made my hubby and I think a bit, although we didn't have to think about it too long.  You see, Lovebug found something in our diabetes supply cabinet that I had actually forgotten were there.  Demo Omni Pods.  

When she found them, she insisted on wearing one.  Seriously, insisted.  I asked her if she knew what it was, and her reply was, "Yes, mom.  It's a pump!"  So I explained to her how the pod works and she told me she would like to have one.  A real one.  

I was a little shocked.  I thought that the "fun" of it would go away after a couple weeks, and it didn't.  She kept asking me when she was going to get her real pod.  Um, I don't know....soon?  (in the meantime she was still wearing the demo pods, she didn't want to take them off!!) So my hubby and I had  a serious talk at this point.  We also talked with other friends whose kids use the pod and even had Lovebug watch some videos on YouTube of other kids with their pods.  The video's made her even more excited. She is sold, so we are sold.  We called the endo's office and started the process of switching.  

Now, I have add that I personally LOVE the Ping that Lovebug uses now  If it weren't for her prodding us along there would have been no switch.  Why change a good thing, right? But this is what she wants and what will make her happy. If it makes diabetes just little easier or her, then I am for it!! 

Her first shipment of pods came today and she was jumping up and down hugging me when she got home from school. We are just waiting on the PDM to get her, which should be here in a few days and a little training from our CDE and we will be good to go!

Lovebug is so excited and I have to admit that I am excited for her!! 



Joanne said...

Good luck with the switch... Elise LOVES her Omnipod, and that's all I care about. I'm so glad she has found something that she's excited about!

Misty said...

Change is scary and exciting at the same time. I can feel Audrey's excitement! Looking forward to hearing all about It.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck!!
Bean loves her pods and so do we!!

Stephanie said...

That is so exciting!! You know, I do miss our Ping, but Adam??? He LOVES podding. Loves it. So, like you said...if he's happy, I'm happy! Good luck on your new adventure!

Unknown said...

Funny that I cannot talk Joe into trying the POD. As active as he is, I thought the tubeless option would suit him...but he won't give up his ping. I am excited to hear how the transition goes. Love to you and your sweet family Heather.

Anonymous said...

I love the design of the Pod.... just wish they would come out with the smaller ones with IOB, as promised. Whatever makes it easier for her; it should be entirely her choice which pump she uses. I'm glad she is happy about using the Pod. MDI is fine but I think it's so much better if these kids don't have to get a shot for each meal or snack. And you have the Ping for a backup pump. It's a big relief to have a back up pump if/when your pump malfunctions. Sounds like she is going to be happy with her Pod and I am happy for her.

Hallie Addington said...

I hope you and Audrey both love it as much as we do! We must get our little podders together!


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